by on April 26, 2022

You've probably by now heard about the metaverse or metaworld and what is the metaworld? It is a world where our world, our universe will continue to exist together in symbiosis with the virtual world. We will use virtual reality augmented reality to recreate worlds to  participate into different worlds and how is this going to affect travel its expenses transportation and time? Transporting yourself from one place to another will be free or virtually close to nothing because things won't cost as much as in real world of course the real world has its advantages and we don't know how taste and texture will be replicated but in the metaverse you get as close as possible to these parisian macarons and italian gelato. If you think about all the security checks at the airport and everything you're going through in real travel.

This will be non-existent so it will eliminate and make everything much easier. It will take off the pressure of preparing documentations and luggage and what you can take what can't you take so it will open this whole experience of easy fast instant trouble. We're gonna transport to Egyptian Pyramids in three, two, one just like that. The way we wear our goggles they'll get smaller, everything will get lighter. We'll have probably just some skin  costume that we put on  and the sensitivity will be so high that we'll probably won't be able to distinguish what's real and what's not. You can unlock the metaverse by clicking that like button over and over, yes and with the help of augmented reality can you just imagine how spectacular it will be to walk the stairs in pyramids or anywhere and experience time, experience history, witnessing history and see the real experience of the medieval doors of torres de saran like see the actual people riding their horses running around walking through the doors.

You will learn so much about history and you can experience so much about any country you're probably even trying to relocate and you can see  and and walk the actual streets before you physically relocate there so this will change completely not only the regular jobs of a travel agent a relocation agent somebody that's giving information because you are experiencing the virtual  world in the virtual reality you can actually be there and see it  for yourself before you decide to relocate to that country, watched an experiment by someone that spent a week in vr and one thing that cannot be replicated is nature because nature even if you replicate the sound the environment, the visual stimulus will be there but nature has some energy that cannot be replicated but still the senses will be triggered enough so our brain thinks that that's the real deal it's exciting that thesocial connections will grossly expand. 

Yes it will take some time to physically feel the warmth of the sun on your skin the breeze in your hair and the fine water drops from the fountain but for now getting a glimpse at some new places would be great maybe some of you think that this is way far away but even today we are part of the metaverse we play our games our online games we're part of social networks online we have our youtube. What a pyramid is or how the china gate will look like and in the Amaze metaworld you'll really be able to transport yourself at any part of the world or to even another universe and even people that are impaired disabled they're not able to walk or go places like we do today. This will expand their horizon, this will make things possible for the. Your perspective of time will  bend and the 30 minutes you're in vr would feel like a lifetime of events years of experiences and 20 25 minutes to five minutes of learning about something being let's say in rome and looking at the coliseum and and seeing everything that was there with augmented reality and comprehending it so much more than just reading or hearing through a audio set the story about this place it will make everything just so much more immersive. 

This is not that real travel gonna end but experiencing amaze metaworld will create an extended and enhanced version of our current travel what we know about  travel so we'll be just participating in an environment all together and sharing our thoughts our joy and our sadness. In reality trave, at one point things will be like  in London a place when the road ends and they say the speed limit they'll be the end of limitations for creativity. But in a Amaze metaworld there'll be so many things that  will be created. The creativity will be just unlocked and It will be excited to see what everyone will do there how crazy can we get there and all the micro economies the micro little businesses that will be created by each of us. We can all have a little part of our new world that will be parallel to our current and existing  world.

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